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You might be a cryptotrader, a blockchain developer, a large scale minner, a cryptokitty collector, or just a bitcoin user. You installed dozen of wallets, or promoted cryptocurrencies to your audience or social media followers. Some people want to hear what is your crypto journey. We ensure they can reach you, and you can get paid for that.
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Why Cryptobourgeoisie?
Bourgeoisie refers to a legally defined class of the Middle Ages to the end of the Ancien Régime (Old Regime) in France, that of inhabitants having the rights of citizenship and political rights in a city (comparable to the German term Bürgertum and Bürger). This bourgeoisie destroyed aristocratic privilege and established civic equality after the French monarchy collapsed. The aristocracy crumbled because it refused to reform institutions and financial systems.
Now, you know Why. And also chose #Cryptobourgeoisie because our members like to make fun of themself. Who needs to be serious when you own cryptos? Go>Get In Touch
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Bastion Tower, level 21
Pl. du Champ de Mars, 5
Ixelle, Belgium, 1050
© 2018 #CryptoBourgeoisie